Microfilm & Microfilm Scanning Company | Microfiche Conversion To Digital Services Near Me | Convert Microfiche To Digital Image/Format | Sidekick Inc.
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Microfilm or Microfiche Conversion – Document Management Solutions

Fast, Low-Cost Document Scanning with Verification

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You may have old Microfilm, Microfiche, Aperture Cards that have been stored offsite and are hard to access or retrieve important data. Many companies have thought that this was a safe way to archive documents, but times have changed. A document management solution lets you easily capture these documents along with providing the tools needed to retrieve and manage them.


Microfiche Conversion To Digital Services

Microfilm Conversion Solutions Minneapolis

SideKick will convert your Microfilm, Microfiche and Aperture Cards to digital images that can be stored safely and reliably. Documents will be cataloged, giving you fast access through a robust, browser-based search engine while keeping them completely secure. Manage the documents easier than on Film and eliminate having to view using old microfilm viewers and printers. Produce more and higher-quality results in less time and establish better access to documents. Do it all from the convenience of your web browser!


Microfilm and Microfiche Scanning Services Near Me


Our microfiche scanning and microfilm scanning services can provide digital conversion solutions to companies looking to benefit from a vastly superior form of data archiving.

Ready to Organize Your Documents?

Microfilm, Microfiche Types – Scanning and Indexing

16/35 mm roll:
Various lengths: 100′ and 215′ most common
Blipped or Un-Blipped film

Various types: 35mm,16mm, COM fiche, jacketed fiche, step-and-repeat fiche, and ultrafiche

Aperture Card:
Various types: Hollerith Code, Non-Hollerith Code

Microfilm | Microfiche Conversion Industries Served

  • Local and State Governments
  • Title Companies
  • Banks and Credit Unions
  • Commercial
  • Engineering and manufacturing
  • Federal Government
  • Hospitals / Healthcare facilities
  • Insurance

View more Microfilm – Microfiche Conversion Industries Served

Microfilm, Microfiche Types – Scanning and Indexing

16/35 mm roll:
Various lengths: 100′ and 215′ most common
Blipped or Un-Blipped film

Various types: Microfiche, COM Microfiche, Jackets

Aperture Card:
Various types: Hollerith Code, Non-Hollerith Code

For all of your microfilm and microfiche scanning needs, contact SideKick. Give us a call on (952) 835-5425 or use the instant quote on the website today!